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Help Keep this Map Online!

Many, many hours went into building this map -- any support you can provide is appreciated. In addition to the work that went into this site, there are a number of fees and costs that go into hosting this data and updating it regularly.

After PG&E equipment triggered multiple wildfires in my home region of Sonoma County, I sought a fast, up-to-date fire map that was easy to use. I built CA Fire Map to create a legible, light-weight fire map that scaled effortlessly with traffic so the service wouldn't crap out when it was needed most. But as the scope of fires grew and number of people impacted by wildfires increased, I got more and more requests for coverage of other states.

So whether you'd like to buy me one coffee, my next several months' supply of beans, or just want to share this site with others, I am immensely grateful!

-- Neil

Looking to Support Wildfire Victims?

A good rule of thumb is to check the local community foundation for options. Typically, money is better than stuff as donated goods are difficult to transport and allocate -- goods also usually don't meet the specific needs of people displaced or otherwise affected by wildfires.